If kottke.org were a book …

Jason Kottke has been distilling his brain into kottke.org for twenty years; what would that look like printed out?

Craig Mod


On Margins episode 005 is up, featuring Jason Kottke, the creator of now 20 year old kottke.org. You can listen to the episode or read the full transcript here: https://craigmod.com/onmargins/005/.

I thought of Jason because I was thinking about non-“book” collections of text that could or should be books. I think there are many web properties that would benefit from being given immutable form, especially in the face of how brittle online archives tend to be.

JASON: Specifically with the book, one of the titles I’ve always had in the back of my mind is, “The Kottke Almanac,” because the site is so eclectic.

I think that a book would probably be going back into the archives and looking at some sort of…

